A couple of years ago Barack Obama set up The Deferred action for childhood arrivals or Daca. Daca is very important to children that have spent their whole entire lives in the Unties states. Daca grants them a way to make a living here in the United States for a specific time period which mostly is about two years.
This gives the opportunity for them to go to college and better themselves to things legally. This Daca should be made a law an act to which children can continue their lives. There are so many requests to which a child or teenager needs to full fill to be able to approve and qualify for Daca. With Daca teenagers are trying to make something out of their lives are gonna be sent back to their home countries that by the way, they have no idea about. Their gonna be sent back to a completely different place and they have no relation of or know how it works. Going to a new country with a different way to socialize and different teaching methods not knowing where anything is or how to get there. That can be very devastating for a teenager especially very early in life.
Another reason for why Daca should be made a law is these kids won't have to be separated from their families. The law is meant to protect those that can't protect themselves. These kids did not choose to come to this country but were brought why should they suffer the consequences that their parents or guardians made.